Happy New Year!

Portland Business Journal AwardHappy New Year! January in the garden: what else could be wetter or colder? I suppose the Pacific Ocean or Hoodoo Ski area. We are blessed with relatively mild winter weather; it’s a great time to rake up storm debris, prune deciduous shrubs and trees, or even plant some new ones. Some great plants to add for winter interest are red twig dogwood, with fiery red stems in winter, or Arnold Promise witch hazel, with wonderful spidery yellow flowers that last for weeks. Want some fragrance? Try Daphne boliana, a winter blooming daphne with a wonderful citrus floral scent in the midst of winter. When you do winter raking and cleanup, you can leave some fallen leaves and needles around the base of shrubs and perennials to provide for winter protection from cold weather. Leave the mulch on till the weather warms; be sure to watch for slugs though and bait as needed. Lawns do not like leaves so feel free to rake away. If you notice flocks of birds feeding on your lawn, you may have crane fly larvae in your sod. These insects feed on the roots of your lawn and are especially prevalent in wet areas of your lawn. Treat crane fly with an appropriate insecticide now before Spring.

Enjoy the winter sun mixed with the rain; we are busy at the nursery cleaning, ordering new stock, and gearing up for garden planting time! Come by and check out the sale in the gift shop; many items are being closed out and liquidated for great savings. Or just stop by to say “Hi!”; we love a chance to visit and share garden lore. See you soon!